Community. You hear this word a lot these days. In some ways, it holds a lot of importance. In other ways, it’s become an empty buzzword. As someone who has made Community the centrepiece of my life, I find it easy to see both sides. What makes Community real for me is an outcome it breeds when done properly: A feeling of Belonging.
Belonging is defined as the feeling of security and support when there is a sense of acceptance, inclusion, and identity for a member of a certain group.
Over the past 25 years, I have been a part of some incredible Communities that exude this powerful feeling of Belonging. This is created through intention, not just by luck or hope. There are some key ingredients in creating Communities that create the belonging vibes at a 10/10. In my mind, there are a few run groups here in Toronto that incorporate these ingredients so beautifully:
Ingredient: IMPACT.
The group: The Food Runners.
10 years ago, Chuck Ortiz set out to create a positive shift in the food service industry, one that is known to be unhealthy to both body and mind. Every week, to support this industry, he hosts a 5k run followed by a delicious meal or “Refuel” at one of the restaurants that he serves. The support and love that this group has given one another over the past 10 years has been incredible.
Ingredient: CONSISTENCY.
The group: The Parkdale Road Runners.
Since 2010, this crew led by Mike Krupica, Lisa Oikawa, Michelle Kay, and Justin Close are there “Every. Damn. Tuesday”. Feeling like you’re a part of something takes time and the trust that you will be there to support your people, through wind, rain, snow and those hot and heavy summer nights. This crew simply shows up time and time again and their crew loves them, and each other, for it.
Ingredient: ASPIRATION.
The group: Culture Athletics.
I call this one aspiration but can paraphrase it as “doing hard things together.” Culture has done a great job of making people feel closer by challenging them to overcome obstacles together. Whether it’s a learn-to-run 5km group or an ultra marathon group, Nigel Fick and crew always seem to ignite belonging, especially during those tough times.
The group: Me vs Me Mentality.
The founder of MVM, Miguel Pink aka Migz, has created the environment for people to show up as who they are, whatever their background or fitness level is to be a part of this group. MVM was born from his own health and fitness challenges and the lack of running spaces for people who look like him. His group now reflects a broad spectrum of people from all walks of life creating a solid landing spot for people to feel safe.
Impact. Consistency. Aspiration. Relatability. There are probably more ingredients but these are the ones that stand out to me in real time with the groups that I have mentioned. If you’re looking to build a Community that thrives because of the feeling of belonging, look to cultivate these ingredients. You won’t be disappointed.

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